The Productive Dad

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From Gumroad to Lemon Squeezy & Flodesk

From Gumroad to Lemon Squeezy & Flodesk

Gumroad rates are high and the email experience isn't great.

Here's another option 👇

Currently, all my Notion templates and products are on Gumroad.

I considered moving to Flodesk for their email newsletter and checkouts combo, but it's pricey ($59 a month) compared to Gumroad (free*).

Then I discovered Lemon Squeezy – a cheaper (and prettier) option than Gumroad.

Lemon Squeezy has email capabilities, but lacks an "opt-in" checkbox during checkout process.

To work around this while still using Flodesk for emails, here's the plan 💡

When someone buys a product through Lemon Squeezy (who handles checkout and tax as a merchant of record), they're redirected to my website's thank-you page with an embedded newsletter sign-up form.

This way, customers can opt in if they wish; I get Flodesk's awesome email features and Lemon Squeezy's checkout experience - best of both worlds!


  • Use Lemon Squeezy for product checkout pages
  • Redirect to a thank you page with a Flodesk form to sign up to your newsletter