Welcome to the New Era of Productivity: ClickUp 3.0

ClickUp 3.0 has officially dropped!

In this post, we’ll explore the new features of ClickUp 3.0 and how they can improve your workflow.

Even if you’re not a ClickUp user, stick around for some insights that you can apply to your app of choice.

A New Home With Ample Room to Play

Until now, I stayed away from the Home view in ClickUp.

It was like trying to make the most of a cramped studio apartment.

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With the old version, I couldn’t make the Home show me what I wanted to see.

And what good is a task manager that doesn’t show you the tasks you need to do?

ClickUp 3.0 changes all that and gives you a more customisable Home to lift your spirits!

You’ve got the option to toggle different cards on or off. You can reshuffle them and get the layout just how you want it.

Have you ever seen The IT Crowd, where they find a window they didn’t know they had? All the light comes into the basement, and it’s like a whole new room!


That’s what it’s like with the new Home view.

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On The Go Got Faster

Speed has never been something you associate with the ClickUp mobile app. And managing tasks in there was almost impossible.

Like putting weights on your legs and trying to run along the beach, using the app as your task manager felt like a struggle.

It’s why I used Todoist for the past few months. I wouldn’t recommend bouncing between task apps, though.

But now, the mobile app has had an overhaul!

It’s so much faster with a much better UX. They’re also planning to boost the speed in December even more with some new database technology.

I’ve now moved all my Todoist tasks back over to ClickUp. It feels good to have them all in one place again.

Custom Task Types

Before 3.0, custom fields kept me in check. I’d use them to see the type of task I had to do.

I’d have a Ticket Type custom field with options such as:

  • Meeting
  • Chat
  • Discovery call

And lots more…

Managing these over multiple Spaces and lists took a lot of work.

Enter Custom task types.

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Everything in ClickUp isn’t a “task” like before. We can set custom task types for different items. Here’s an example of a standard coaching call in my workspace.

Looking at the icon, you can easily see the difference between tasks and meetings. The Ticket Type of Meeting is redundant now.

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Get Notified

3.0 has replaced the slow notification area with a speedy and intuitive Inbox page.

It’s split between Important, Other, Snoozed, and Cleared.

After checking my Home view, this is the first place I go in the morning to see if anything needs taking care of.

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The Important tab shows the vital stuff 😄 Like:

  • New comments or replies in comment threads
  • Comments assigned to you
  • Tasks assigned to you
  • @mentions
  • Reactions
  • Lists, Folders, tasks, or Docs that are shared with you

The Other tab shows notifications for any changes made to tasks where you’re a watcher.

If you want to go further, you can customise how they show up by grouping them by date and toggling full screen on or off.

I’ve only just realised you can do that! Full-screen notifications are turned off for me now. That means I can see all other notifications below after clicking on one of them. Much quicker to go through.

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Search Across The Universe

Hours are wasted looking for the right information or doing extra work without it because you need help finding it.

Your team still likes to use Google Docs even though you’re trying to get them to use ClickUp Docs.

Having content in multiple apps isn’t as problematic now that ClickUp 3.0 has introduced Universal Search.

Note: private universal search is only available on the Business Plus plan. Shared universal search needs the enterprise plan.

You can connect Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Figma with private universal search. Use the Cmd + K shortcut to open the search bar and type in what you want.

ClickUp will search across your entire workspace and all those apps, meaning documents will never get lost again.

On the enterprise plan, you have something called shared universal search.

This adds Confluence to the mix. The main advantage of the enterprise plan is search results from your connected apps will be visible to all workspace members. Perfect if you’re working in a large team.

More From ClickUp

These are just a few of the improvements ClickUp have introduced with 3.0.

You can see a complete list on their website: ClickUp 3.0 Changelog

Remember, we’ve already got the tools to get sh*t done, no matter what app you use. The ClickUp 3.0 update just makes it easier 😉

Interested in giving ClickUp 3.0 a try? Experience ClickUp 3.0. Productivity reimagined

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